Magellan DocuFind

Magellan DocuFind by Armstrong

iMIS Document Search is an AI-powered search solution that helps you find documents in RiSE quickly and easily.

How it Works

Magellan DocuFind indexes all types of documents, including PDFs, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, email and even images.

It uses:

  • Natural language processing (NLP) to understand the context of your search queries and deliver the most relevant results.
  • Machine Learning (ML) to improve the accuracy of the search results over time.
  • Optical character recognition (OCR) to extract text from scanned documents and images.
  • Boolean operators like AND, OR, and NOT, to narrow your search results.
  • Proximity Search to search for words that are near each other in a document.
  • Wildcard Search to use identifiers like asterisks and question marks to expand your search capabilities.


  • Easy to use: Magellan DocuFind has a user-friendly interface that makes finding documents a breeze.
  • Advanced sorting: Magellan DocuFindallows you to filter and sort your results by date, type, author, and other criteria to quickly find the information you need.
  • Secure: Magellan DocuFind uses encryption to protect your data from unauthorized access.
  • Reduce risk and improve compliance: Magellan DocuFind ensures that you have access to your latest and most accurate organizational regulatory information.
  • Make better decisions: Magellan DocuFind provides you with a comprehensive view of your document archive allowing you to make informed choices based on accurate data. 

It can not only search within RiSE, but also if you have other third-party systems like Higher Logic or an LMS, you can connect those and extend your search into those platforms as well. Super powerful. 

Magellan DocuFind integrates with other iMIS features like forms, workflows, and dashboards, making it simple to automate your document management process. For example, you can create a workflow that automatically sends a notification to a team member when a new document is uploaded.

Magellan DocuFind can provide self-service access to documents for your members. This can save your staff time and empower your members to find the information they need in no time. 

If document management has been a challenge for your organization, it’s time to invest in a tool that not only can make your team’s lives easier, but also can be an integral part of how you and your members do business moving forward.